Civil Defence

(Image by Total Defence)
Civil Defence is about being alert to signs of threats and being effective first responders when a crisis occurs, helping one another regardless of race, religion or background, so that Singapore can bounce back quickly as one people.
When we are faced with a threat, or when a crisis hits us, the government agencies' top priority will be to spare no effort in dealing with the threat and responding to the crisis. However, their resources will be strained, and they cannot be everywhere all the time. Singaporeans – whether at the individual, organisation or community level – must pitch in to help and be able to take care of themselves. We can be alert to signs of threats and, when a crisis occurs, we can be effective first responders, helping one another regardless of race, religion, or self-interest. It also helps when we know whom to call, where to go, and what to do in an emergency. All this helps us bounce back quickly as one people, confident and strong. This is what a strong Civil Defence means.